Don’t be surprised if I tell you there is no difference between writing of content and marketing of content. It was one single process of planning, writing, and marketing content that is subject specific and effective. So, whether it is content for websites, articles, blogs, Twitter posts or scripts for webcasts all of them are strategic for marketing.
This is an information hungry world and overt above-the-line advertisement-based marketing is falling far behind the content led marketing initiatives. And to the un-initiated content that is being marketed is ubiquitously present everywhere on cyberspace whether it be a YouTube video, a whitepaper, or the land page of a website.
So, content writing is well written, grammar correct, well researched, informative subject matter whereas content marketing is providing relevant and pertinent content provided consistently to seeking patrons or audience. In today’s context both work in tandem towards a common goal – to enable customer satisfaction and customer action. Thus, content however majestic it may be losing its importance if for one, it does not reach its audience and for two, if it cannot enthuse the audience.
One cannot deny the fact the content for marketing is educational. Let’s take an example of an educational institution trying to attract students for its professional courses. The institute strong on its content marketing strategy decided to consistent series of well written and researched blog articles on careers showcasing professional who have excelled in the fields covered by the professional courses offered by the institute. It not only attracts the relevant audience but also initiates profitable consumer action the ultimate purpose of content marketing.